
Hi, I’m Esmay

I’m a Digital Artist and Coach, helping you manifest your unique art style, so you can create cohesive art with confidence.

Let me show you what’s possible for you…

Free Masterclass

Reality of things

Find out in this free masterclass the simple but effective change that you need to make to go from an unmotivated creative waiting for your next bit of inspiration to hit to being an inspired and ever creating person knowing exactly what he/she needs to do to make their dreams their reality of things!

Ready to find your art style? Here’s your options:

Online Mini Course

Creative Manifestation journal

In this course you will learn how to make (creative) journalling a daily habit that you LOVE, so that you can get clarity on what (art style) it is exactly you want to manifest and start doing just that!


Magic Club

Join my Creative Magic Club on Patreon and get monthly boosts to create together with like minded people through live sessions, prompts, downloads and more! Get inspired and give yourself a reason to create. 

Direct download

Instant art style

Do you believe that developing your art style is a lengthy process that takes a lot of practice and time? WRONG. I have instant art styles available for you so you can skip the hassle of having to figure it all out yourself and you can start creating instantly!


Coaching Program 

Ready to deep dive and figure out your own unique art style? While making sure we completely knock out your inner critic? This is the place for you! 


1 on 1 

Would you rather work with me one on one? Let’s connect and see if we are a match!


Custom art

Looking for a custom illustration? Contact me to see what I can create for you!

Free Workbook + Video

4 pillars to create a unique art style

We all want a unique art style, but what does it take to create one and where do you even start? In this free workbook with guided video I will show you the 4 pillars you need to establish your own art style. Spoiler alert: it takes less than 20 minutes.